Summer of 1988 - Sailing the 50' Newick trimaran
Moxie from Martha's Vineyard to Newport, Rhode Island, a forty mile trip to the west, close on the wind all the way.
We were going to greet the finishers that year of the Singlehanded Trans- Atlantic Race, the same event Moxie had won only eight years earlier, sailed then by 65 year old Phil Weld in just under eighteen days. Designed, built and proven as a thoroughbred ocean racing machine, Moxie was pure joy on a day sail like this. We had no worries about arriving well before dark and completed our journey in only six or seven hours...
On board was a fresh copy of Wooden Boat Magazine, July/August, 1988, Issue #83 with cover picture and feature article on "RUSSELL BROWN and His PROVEN PROAS"... I had met Russell two years earlier as he was hauling his proa Kauri for the winter on the beach (between
The Black Dog Tavern and
Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway) and had sailed enough on Kauri to "get" the Pacific proa thing from him.
That being my second season of three sailing Moxie, the world of big, fast, bluewater multihulls was easy to take for granted. Experienced multihull friends and teachers like Dick Newick, Russell Brown and many others on and around the Vineyard at the time, made it look easy to design, build and sail these incredible, fun machines.
