confused: reply to Dave Culp by Steven Callahan, May 10, 2008 - (#20610) posted to Proa File International (
posts by Steven Callahan to proa_file forum:
Reply to Denney's critiques of Brown et al Apr 2, 2008 The Denney Inquisition Apr 13 Part 2: Jzerro, that miserable dog Apr 15
comments: leepod dimensions, wikipedia, copyright issuesconfused: reply to Dave Culp May 10 confused: reply to Rob Denney May 10 Part 2(b): Jzerro, that miserable dog
"your logic defies logic", May 10Part 3: Jzerro; She's All Wet May 10 comments: May 24
a disservice to those really interested in proas, Stay tuned for more, stiffening of the beams, the hull flying, Jzerro did not fail as a boat, overtake waves when running, water ballast, solid water on the deck, anything but academic, "constantly" meaning regularlyPart 4: Those Islanders; What Where They Thinking? May 24 comments: May 25
did not have to shift ballast frequently on Jzerro, method of determining RM, adding to higher levels of normal stress on the beams, excess RM can be as much of a problem as too little, it is futile and is simply to reply to utter nonsenserepetitious and conscious deceptions
Sep 8, 2011Rob, get real. 18 point reply Sep 8, 2011 beam loads Sep 10, 2011 freedom 20 masts Sep 26, 2011 so long ProaFile Sep 26, 2011 Dave,
I won't comment on most of your note here, but I would like to clarify something. I have not been a critic of Harryproas previously, and am only critiquing elements of them now as they relate to the attacks Denney has made against Russ Brown and others. Although I find numerous flaws in Denney's design logic and many of his claims that I am certain would not pass muster by any reputable naval architect or engineer (that you can make an unstayed mast lighter than a stayed one, for example, assuming same sail area, boat righting moment, material of manufacture), if his boats work, if he's found ways around physics and what I've witnessed from going to sea on a wide variety of craft, that's fine by me. What drew me to this whole mess was what is obviously a concentrated effort by him to trash the work and reputations of Brown and others who have proven beyond doubt that their designs work, have pioneered a great deal not just with proas but in the marine field generally, and has, of all things, used me (misused me) to support his BS. Almost everything he has written about Jzerro is factually incorrect or deserves at the least qualifications. He makes many claims unsubstantiated by multihull history, the record, and even physics and common sense. At the same time, he avoids like the plague acknowledging ANY compromises in his own design choices and despite demanding references from me makes no credible references for his own claims. I find his work completely unprofessional. In short, I do not dislike Harryproas per se, although I remain skeptical. It is Denney and his approach to this whole business that I abhor. He has insulted me personally when I had the temerity to try to correct some of his falsehoods (by claiming I was drunk, providing no reference for this). What's worse, he began all this unwarranted controversy and continues repeating untruths even after corrected, then complains that everybody is on his case. He sets fire to the neighborhood then complains its a bit warm. It's too much. I should not have to be spending so much time correcting his unfounded attacks on others, and I certainly have no incentive to help him out. Frankly, even if he is a genius, he's proven a miserable SOB who has needlessly wasted a lot of peoples' time and has made a concerted effort to misinform the public. If he wants to prove something for a change rather than basing it all on wild speculation about how wonderful his boats will prove to be and on how others' boats must be with no credible source information, then let him bring a boat to me. I'd be happy to sail it, and I may eventually get aboard one that is building not far away. Until then, however, I suggest he just stop attacking others and using me to do it and concentrate instead on doing some actual work at proving his theories. In the meantime, Russ and I are offering a $2000 bet that Jzerro will outsail a comparably sized Harryproa in a series of races, including round the cans and offshore. But since he's the aggressor, why should you not demand he come to us?
In the meantime, I am glad to see you continue work on kite sailing. Your approach is, however, more academically and experientially sound. Nor do you seem compelled to trash everybody else in order to make yourself look supreme. Good on you for that. Looking forward to more news. Steve
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